Tuesday, February 19, 2013

mongoDB design tips(2)

1.    Optimizing Object IDs(using mongodb ObjectId() method, BSON ObjectId's begin with a timestamp)
The _id field in a MongoDB document is very important and is always indexed for normal collections. This page lists some recommendations.
Note that it is common to use the BSON ObjectID datatype for _id's, but the values of an _id field can be of any type.Use the collections 'natural primary key' in the _id field._id's can be any type, so if your objects have a natural unique identifier, consider using that in _id to both save space and avoid an additional index.When possible, use _id values that are roughly in ascending order. If the _id's are in a somewhat well defined order, on inserts the entire b-tree for the _id index need not be loaded. BSON ObjectIds have this property. Store Binary GUIDs as BinData, rather than as hex encoded strings
BSON includes a binary data datatype for storing byte arrays. Using this will make the id values, and their respective keys in the _id index, twice as small.
Note that unlike the BSON Object ID type (see above), most UUIDs do not have a rough ascending order, which creates additional caching needs for their index.

2.    Optimizing Storage.
a.    Using the _id Field Explicitly
Mongo automatically adds an object ID to each document and sets it to a unique value. Additionally this field in indexed. For tiny objects this takes up significant space.
The best way to optimize for this is to use _id explicitly. Take one of your fields which is unique for the collection and store its values in _id. By doing so, you have explicitly provided IDs. This will effectively eliminate the creation of a separate _id field. If your previously separate field was
indexed, this eliminates an extra index too.

b.    Using Small Field Names
Consider a record
{ last_name : "Smith", best_score: 3.9 }
The strings "last_name" and "best_score" will be stored in each object's BSON. Using shorter strings would save space:
{ lname : "Smith", score : 3.9 }
Field names are not stored in indexes as indexes have a predefined structure. Thus, shortening field names will not help the size of indexes. In
general it is not necessary to use short field names.

3.    Querying and nulls
> db.foo.insert( { x : 1, y : 1 } )
> db.foo.insert( { x : 2, y : "string" } )
> db.foo.insert( { x : 3, y : null } )
> db.foo.insert( { x : 4 } )
// Query #1
> db.foo.find( { "y" : null } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc1975312c677fc83b5629f"), "x" : 3, "y" : null }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc1975a12c677fc83b562a0"), "x" : 4 }
// Query #2
> db.foo.find( { "y" : { $type : 10 } } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc1975312c677fc83b5629f"), "x" : 3, "y" : null }
// Query #3
> db.foo.find( { "y" : { $exists : false } } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc1975a12c677fc83b562a0"), "x" : 4 }
To summarize the three queries:
documents where y has the value null or where y does not exist
documents where y has the value null
documents where y does not exist

4.    Field Negation
// get all posts about 'tennis' but without the comments field
db.posts.find( { tags : 'tennis' }, { comments : 0 } );

5.    Covered Indexes
Mongod will automatically use covered index when it can. But be sure that:
a. you provide list of fields to return, so that it can determine that it can be covered by index
b. you must explicitly exclude the _id field by using {_id: 0} (unless the index includes that)
c. as soon as you insert one array value for one of the index keys, the index will immediately become a multikey index and this disables covered index functionality
    d. use Explain to determine if the covered index is used: the indexOnly field should be true

6.    Retrieving a Subrange of Array Elements
You can use the $slice operator to retrieve a subrange of elements in an array.
  db.posts.find({}, {comments:{$slice: 5}}) // first 5 comments
  db.posts.find({}, {comments:{$slice: -5}}) // last 5 comments
  db.posts.find({}, {comments:{$slice: [20, 10]}}) // skip 20, limit 10
  db.posts.find({}, {comments:{$slice: [-20, 10]}}) // 20 from end, limit 10
Filtering with $slice does not affect other fields inclusion/exclusion. It only applies within the array being sliced.
     db.posts.find({}, {_id:1, comments:{$slice: 5}}) // first 5 comments, and the _id field only

7.    Sharding scales reads better than replication
Replication doesn't scale writes at all, but it can add some scalability as different servers can service queries. Use sharding to scale out. Sharding
scales queries just as well as writes, and tends to make better use of the cluster's total ram than replication would.

8.    When in doubt, query the primary only
Consider the diagram below as an example.

A client in the primary data center could use slaveOk for reads, querying from both Svr1 and Svr2. However there are several things to consider in this situation:
Are eventually consistent reads ok when you hit Svr2?
Do you expect to be able to continue to run in Data Center 1 if one of the (Svr1/Svr2) pair is down? If so, and you need both for query load normally, won't you be overcapacity if one box goes down? That is, there is not n+1 capacity in Data Center 1. Likewise if two are needed in DC1, you probably need 2 for DR also. One could counter that one server has sufficient and that using two is just "a little faster" in terms of latency; however, it is then very hard to notice if one server truly has enough capacity to handle the entire load.
    Do you have real time alerts if replication is lagging. Imagine a bad ethernet cable on Svr2 and it is 2 hours behind realtime on its data. You probably do not want to be querying it then.

One argument for using slaveOk would be graceful degradation in failure scenarios. During replica set failover, 20+ seconds could pass before a new primary is elected. With slaveOk you can read during that period. In addition, if your system were badly broken (two servers down) the third would be readable, but not be primary as a majority is needed to elect a primary. One best practice is to run querying primaries only but have built into your app a "read only mode" you can enable in an emergency (such as a disaster) so that reads are still possible; in that mode slaveOk would be used.

Good uses of slaveOk
slaveOk does have its uses.
    Secondaries are great for doing dumps and backups and running reports without slowing down your front end app / production system.
    Secondaries in remote data centers are useful for low latency local queries

9.    BSON type.
db.things.find( { a : { $type : 2 } } ); // matches if a is a string
db.things.find( { a : { $type : 16 } } ); // matches if a is an int

10.  Regular Expressions
i - Case insensitive. Letters in the pattern match both upper and lower case letters.
m - Multiline. By default, Mongo treats the subject string as consisting of a single line of characters (even if it actually contains newlines).
The "start of line" metacharacter (^) matches only at the start of the string, while the "end of line" metacharacter ($) matches only at the
end of the string, or before a terminating newline.When m it is set, the "start of line" and "end of line" constructs match immediately following or immediately before internal newlines in the
subject string, respectively, as well as at the very start and end. If there are no newlines in a subject string, or no occurrences of ^ or $ in
a pattern, setting m has no effect.
x - Extended. If set, whitespace data characters in the pattern are totally ignored except when escaped or inside a character class.
Whitespace does not include the VT character (code 11). In addition, characters between an unescaped # outside a character class and
the next newline, inclusive, are also ignored.
This option makes it possible to include comments inside complicated patterns. Note, however, that this applies only to data characters.
Whitespace characters may never appear within special character sequences in a pattern, for example within the sequence (?( which
introduces a conditional subpattern.
s - Dot all. New in 1.9.0. Allows the dot (.) to

11.  Mongo Meta query operators
Only return the index key:
     db.foo.find()._addSpecial("$returnKey" , true )

Show disk location of results:
     db.foo.find()._addSpecial("$showDiskLoc" , true)

Force query to use the given index:
     db.foo.find()._addSpecial("$hint", {_id : 1})

12.  Matching with $elemMatch
// Document 1
{ "foo" : [
"shape" : "square",
"color" : "purple",
"thick" : false
"shape" : "circle",
"color" : "red",
"thick" : true
] }

// Document 2
{ "foo" : [
"shape" : "square",
"color" : "red",
"thick" : true
"shape" : "circle",
"color" : "purple",
"thick" : false
You want to query for a purple square, and so you write the following:
  db.foo.find({"foo.shape": "square", "foo.color": "purple"})
  db.foo.find({foo: {"shape": "square", "color": "purple"} } )
      The problem with this query is that it will match the second in addition to matching the first document. In other words, the standard query syntax
won't restrict itself to a single document within the foo array. As mentioned above, subobjects have to match exactly.
To match an entire document within the foo array, you need to use $elemMatch. To properly query for a purple square, you'd use $elemMatch like
db.foo.find({foo: {"$elemMatch": {shape: "square", color: "purple"}}})
The query will return the first document, which contains the purple square you're looking for.

13.  Atomic Operations
MongoDB supports atomic operations on single documents. MongoDB does not support traditional locking and complex transactions for a
number of reasons:
First, in sharded environments, distributed locks could be expensive and slow. Mongo DB's goal is to be lightweight and fast.
We dislike the concept of deadlocks. We want the system to be simple and predictable without these sort of surprises.
We want Mongo DB to work well for realtime problems. If an operation may execute which locks large amounts of data, it might stop
some small light queries for an extended period of time. (We don't claim Mongo DB is perfect yet in regards to being "real-time", but we
certainly think locking would make it even harder.)
The Mongo DB update command supports several modifiers, all of which atomically update an element in a document. They include:
$set - set a particular value
$unset - delete a particular field (v1.3+)
$inc - increment a particular value by a certain amount
$push - append a value to an array
$pushAll - append several values to an array
$pull - remove a value(s) from an existing array
$pullAll - remove several value(s) from an existing array
$bit - bitwise operations
These modifiers are convenient ways to perform certain operations atomically.
Another strategy for atomic updates is "Update if Current".
This is what an OS person would call Compare and Swap. For this we
1.Fetch the object.
2.Modify the object locally.
3.Send an update request that says "update the object to this new value if it still matches its old value".
Should the operation fail, we might then want to try again from step 1.

14.  The ABA Nuance
However, what if since our read, object had been modified?
We would then overwrite that change and lose it!
There are several ways to avoid this problem ; it's mainly just a matter of being aware of the nuance.
a. Use the entire object in the update's query expression, instead of just the _id and qty field.
b. Use $set to set the field we care about. If other fields have changed, they won't be affected.
c. Put a version variable in the object, and increment it on each update.
d. When possible, use a $ operator instead of an update-if-current sequence of operations.
15.  Operations Lock Type

16.  How many times is data written to disk when replication and journaling are both on?
In v1.8, for an insert, four times. The object is written to the main collection, and also the oplog collection (so that is twice). Both of those writes
are journaled as a single mini-transaction in the journal file (the files in /data/db/journal). Thus 4 times total.
There is an open item in to reduce this by having the journal be compressed. This will reduce from 4x to probably ~2.5x.
The above applies to collection data and inserts which is the worst case scenario. Index updates are written to the index and the journal, but not
the oplog, so they should be 2X today not 4X. Likewise updates with things like $set, $addToSet, $inc, etc. are compactly logged all around so
those are generally small.

17.  Prealloc Files
mongod will create prealloc files in the journal directory under some circumstances to minimize journal write latency. On some filesystems,
appending to a file and making it larger can be slower than writing to a file of a predefined size. mongod checks this at startup and if it finds this to
be the case will use preallocated journal files. If found to be helpful, a small pool of prealloc files will be created in the journal directory before
startup begins. This is a one time initiation and does not occur with future invocations. Approximately 3GB of files will be preallocated (and truly
prewritten, not sparse allocated) - thus in this situation, expect roughly a 3 minute delay on the first startup to preallocate these files.
If you don't want to wait three minutes on startup, you can preallocate the files using another instance of mongod and then move them to your
normal dbpath before starting with journaling.

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