Thursday, October 27, 2011

Share a good write-intensive(TokuDB) Database

TokuDB is a storage engine for MySQL that is specifically designed for high performance on write-intensive workloads.

It achieves this via Fractal Tree indexing, which is based on cache-oblivious algorithmicTokuDB is a scalable, ACID and MVCC compliant storage engine that provides indexing-based query acceleration and supports online schema modifications

Fractal Tree indexes implement the same operations as a B-tree, and thus are a drop-in replacement for B-trees. The difference is in performance. Fractal Tree indexes effectively replace random I/O with sequential I/O, which is faster on spinning disks. By converting random I/O into sequential I/O, Fractal Trees index data at near disk bandwidth rates, regardless of the structure of the primary and secondary keys, and have range queries that stream data off disk at near disk bandwidth rates, even as the database grows. As a result, more indexes can be maintained without a drop in performance. This is because adding data to indexes tends to stress the performance of B-trees, but performs well in Fractal Tree indexes.

TokuDB can be used as the storage layer of a database or as the storage layer of a file system. When used in a database, they can be used in any setting where a B-tree is used, with improved performance. Examples include: network event management, online advertising networks, web 2.0 and clickstream analytics, and air traffic control management.

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